Monday, April 25, 2005


Today we had P.E. It was really cool. My Best Friend got to be the teacher of P.E. for the whole day!! We had P.E. at 8:45 to 10 o'clock. My Best Friend was a pretty good teacher for the first time I thought. First we played sideline soccer. Which is the game where there are two teams, each on a sideline. There are two goals with no goalies. Your team gets numbers. Like 7, 6, 5, 2, 1, and 10. And the other team gets numbers. Then somebody calls your numbers, like 3 and 3 and 7 and 8. Then you go and play each other one on one. Mine was against my friend. I won. Sometimes in sideline soccer they call two or three numbers from one side. But once when it called me and two people on my team were against three other people on the team. I scored one great sliding goal through the legs of my opponent. Then My Best Friend -- we called him Coach -- then he called the whole team to play against the other team. It was a tie, zero to zero. Then next we did a soccer game. I scored two and it was 2 - 1. Then we played this really fun game called Clean Up Your Room. It was so awesome, I almost fainted. After P.E., My Best Friend still got to teach the other classes. I was green with envy because My Best Friend got to miss class and teach P.E. He's a very lucky kid.

After school, we had soccer practice. We played lots of games, like scrimmage and one goal soccer. And wing channel. I call it buffalo wing channel. I asked my coach during water break what does "fire at will" mean. (That was in The Incredibles.) He said, "It means fire a guy named Will." I thought it was pretty funny and I cracked up laughing and I had a laugh attack, which is like a heart attack but these crazy doctors haven't invented a cure yet. After soccer practice, I played with my friend and his dad. It was World Cup. After that, I came home and I started writing in my blog. If you want to read what I wrote, just go to and see Isaac's Mind and go to Green With Envy. Alright. Show's over. Get out!


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