Monday, May 02, 2005


You know what I dreamed last night? Nothing. I can't believe it. So, I didn't have anything to remember when I woke up. I felt lousy right when I woke up. I had pain in my stomach and a seed had grown into a 10,000-foot-headache tree and I ached all over. Now believe me, it was Monday. And Monday is the day we have soccer practice after school. I have to be feeling pretty lousy on Mondays to stay home from school and miss soccer practice.

So, I didn't eat anything and then my dad came because he was supposed to take me to school but I felt so darn lousy I didn't want to go to school. So I hung out with my dad. I couldn't hang out with my mom because she had to go to court. She wasn't in trouble, she didn't have to go to the big house. That's why I had to hang out with my dad instead of my mom. So, went to his office. And remember, this is when I'm not feeling good. Then, we went to the Senator building or whatever because my dad had to drop something off. Then we ate a scrumptilidumptious lunch. I had an incredibly healthy caesar salad and an incredibly junkie turkey burger.

After that, we went to the Capitol. He had said we were only going to be there for about 15 minutes. And as usual we were there for two hours. Then we went to another Senator's office or whatever. We went into this guy's office where my pops had to discuss something. I caused a sensation. I saw this yo-yo and did a new move I called "the boa constrictor 2,000" because it wrapped around your arm and it unwrapped and it did it again! I saw this bobble head of John Kerry and I asked this psychotic person who was there, "Does it say, 'Down with Bush?'" "Hum," said the guy. "No."

After that, we did a couple of more errands which I can't discuss because they were so boring that it would bore you to death. So then, we went in this parking lot because we are collecting license plates. We need three more. We found Wyoming and Wisconsin. But then as my crazy father wrote them down, we realized that we were missing one. And did I mention that we are collecting license plates in America. Then we went home and played horse and my dad worked on his computer like a madman. Then, I went to my mom's. I hung out and then wrote in my blog. And you may not read it. Okay. Show's over. Now get out of my website. P.S. Last night when I came back from Connecticut a wild turkey went down on the track and kablewy the train hit it!!!!! And I thought, "The rats are having roast turkey tonight." Okay. Now I really mean it. Get out of my website!


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