Monday, May 30, 2005


3-2-1 I counted. When the bell rang, I said, "Blast off! It's the end of school. And a three-day weekend! Can this get any better?" Just then, it did, because we were going on a field trip. Yeah, the field trip was fun, blah, blah, blah, you know. My psychotic -- just kidding -- dad picked me up after the field trip. He let me play baseball at the school for one inning. I was so overjoyed, I hugged him and almost knocked him down. When it was my turn to bat, it was still 0-0. I whammed it so hard, that it hit a player's chest and it knocked the wind out of him. I ran the bases and made it to second. And then my friend Isaiah stole third but they said it didn't count. So I argued and argued and they let it count. Somebody made a hit and Isaiah made it to home. Then I ran to home and slid -- safe! Then I went home. You know, I did all this stuff, the usual things, and went to bed.

Then I woke up. I was so excited because I was going to my mom's and we were going to have a rocking three-day weekend. We hung out. I read. I practiced piano. In the afternoon, my mom and I went went to a rockin' sockin' movie called Madagascar. It was the hour before the show, and we went and took a walk in the park and saw the beautiful air over the Potomac. It smelled like romance in the air -- just kidding. It smelled like our birds' feed sort of, our two parakeets'. At the fountain, I made lots of wishes and I skipped Old Abe Lincoln across the fountain. He's on a penny, you know. And then we walked to the park and I played there some more. Then we went to the movies. I got some candy, which were Jedi M&Ms. We watched the previews, and I was like, "Wow. Some movies are awesome and some are a bore." Then, I watched the movie. It was so good, I almost died. It was good because of the plot and the smot and the dot. And the rest. It was funny. After that, we had a scrumdidiliumptious dinner. I got lobster ravioli in a creamy sauce. My mom ordered crab cakes. We had a ketchup incident. After dinner, we walked along the river. We saw Make Way for Ducklings in real life. It was five little cute little ducklings following their big mama.

Cockadoodaloo. I woke up. I was so happy because I was going to Solomon's Island. I hung out until my mom woke up. I went to the Safeway to get food for both of my fat cats. They are so fat they make Garfield look skinny. Then, we packed up and we had a long, boring car ride there. When we finally got to Solomon's, we decided what to do. First we went into a jolly old toystore. It felt like a paradise dungeon. Then my mom said, "We can come back, Isaac." Then we went to a restaurant that a boat that was in the bar, the bar was shaped like a boat. Not like a candy bar like Hershey's or Milky Way or anything like that, a bar where people get drunk and stuff. We sat down near a table outside near the glorious ocean. Whoopsie. We're not at the ocean, we're at the bay, I reminded myself. We played and used our own instincts to entertain ourselves and our food came. And boy, that food was delicisio. I had crab cakes. Not the cake you have on your birthday. The cake that is mushed up crab. Then we went back to the paradise dungeon!! I bought one rock-popping candy and one yo-yo elastiball. Then I walked down to a mini- mini-mini- mini- mini- museum. As you all dumplings know, I go to the Oyster School. And this museum is about how you can oysters. Then we walked a beautiful walk to a museum. They had live mantarays and exhibit about them. I went straight to that. Whoopee! I thought. Live mantarays. And baby ones. And a true and false test. Wow. After I looked at the mantarays and other cool stuff, we went on a boat ride. It was awesome. We saw baby ospreys and a mother osprey nourishing them in a nest. Then I just saw water. My mother talked to a very person. I entertained myself with my own internal instincts. Then this guy I figured out was the captain chose me to steer the boat. Wow! I was actually steering the boat and being the captain. It was really, really awesome. After the boat ride, we walked a long and beautiful walk back to the car. We went to the toy store one more time and looked around and I bought myself one more treat. Then we got some key lime pie. The cafe was really cool. We hung out and relaxed and talked about my awesome education. Which is a grownup word for how much I know. Then, after that we sat and looked at the beautiful water.

Then we went back in the car. Then we saw a bowling place. So we zoomed speedy quick back to the bowling place. I thought it was going to be a place where tough guys fought and stuff. Actually it was kid friendly place. They even had offers for kid's birthday parties there. Wow and wow and double wow I thought. Then we played two games. I score 125 and beat my mom. I had one strike. And my mom said I was the Prince of the Spares because I had so many spares. After the two good and great and awesome games of bowling I had a bacon cheeseburger. I couldn't finish the big lumpy thing, so I took it in the car. And then we drove the long night home. Then I blacked out. Before you know it, I was home. It was eleven o'clock by the time we got home. When we got home, it was straight to bed for me and my mom.

Then I woke up. It was another harsh week of school, I thought. Oh yeah, it's a three-day weekend. Whoo yoo!! Then, I'm not telling you what I did, because that's between me and my mom. Alright, now get out of my website! Hey, it's none of my business that my phone bill is overdue! Now, GET OUT!


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