Saturday, June 11, 2005


I woke up on Saturday morning feeling miserable. I was cornered by two tigers. Then I really woke up. And I felt miserable because today Paco the Taco -- and of course, he's not really a taco, his name rhymes with one, which is very rare -- was leaving to go to college. Boo hoo hoo. And Paco the Taco is our soccer coach. Remember that, now. Today we had our last game. I woke up early as I do on most Saturdays so I watched Garfield the movie. It was so good, I thought that I would fly. So then my mom woke up and we washed the car. Ta da da da: Car wash! After we washed the car, give me a drum roll, please, we got ready for the last soccer game. We were playing the Killer Whales. When we got there, we did warmups. Rafa was a little bit grouchy but Paco was in an okay-okay mood. Rafa and Paco are Diego's brothers. Then we got ready for the game. I was in the starting lineup. Hooray, I thought, today's the day! The game was really long and really hard. The game was tied 3 - 3 -- like a bee. Paco said my Best Friend was the top offenser and I was the top defenser of that game. So then we went to have a pizza party, pizza party, to celebrate the end of the season and my coach leaving. It was the saddest moment of my little, little harsh and cruel life. Paco gave out trophies. He says how good stuff we did and how we need to improve. Then, I came home and had some relaxation. In my life, there never really is really relaxing. Then, me and my mom watched an old-fashioned movie, Harvey. About a six-foot three-inch white rabbit. Or how crazy people say it, a pooka. Then we took a walk around the neighborhood. We came home and went out to slumberland. Get out of here before I really lose my temper. Okay, that's it. Security! Throw them into the dungeon!


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