Thursday, September 29, 2005


1. When you lick the envelopes, they should each be flavored a certain taste, exquisite mostly, nothing fancy, like champagne, beer, wine, chocolate, rasberry, mint.

2. Tigers should be allowed as pets.

3. The weekend should be at least six days.

4. The Empire State Building is not actually that tall. In fact, it's only the height of 17 whales, and some buildings make it look like a pip squeak.

5. If I were the animal president, I would have animals ride on viscious elephants and break down houses and plant new trees.

6. There should be this magical DVD, you just say the DVD that you want and poof! The DVD will become the DVD that you want.

7. Boy, they sure are inventing a lot of technology, so much in fact that before you know it, they'll be flying cars in the streets.

8. I didn't really believe in superstitions until I was two and I had seven whole years of bad luck but now it's ended because I'm nine.

9. How do we even know that dinosaurs exist. They could be these kids playing pranks, making fossils and digging them up in Europe and places. I mean, come on scientists, get with it!

10. You know the story of Little Red Riding Hood? Well, I have something to say to the author: Why would be she roaming around in a place all by herself with no weapons where wild wolves were about?

Allright, now get out of my website!! Before I really start to get angry. Not leaving, eh? Now I'll just ignore you folks. Darn, this isn't working! Allright, now to Plan C. Security!!


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